Monday, June 2, 2008

Our Week of Firsts...

Last week brought some firsts for our family. Kevin had his first week of work at his internship. I had my first week home alone with Bennett (and the reality that this is the rest of my life...not just a vacation from work). Bennett had his first time sleeping for four hours! I was rejoicing, although he has not since replicated that miracle.

Here is a rare picture of Bennett having a meltdown. Mostly he is a smiley kid, unfortunately I have not been able to capture that expression on film.


Angi said...

Congrats to your week of firsts! I thought the first couple of weeks were the hardest. It got a lot better when we started to develop a routine. I think being a stay at home mom can be pretty lonely.

ali said...

You'll get used to the quiet, and let me save you the trouble--there is nothing good on daytime TV--I've tried it.

I'm about to have my first week of taking care of all three kids by myself and I am scared out of my mind. Especially because I am not physically ready to wrestle the two older ones...

But I have to say, that is a pretty cute meltdown!