Sunday, December 28, 2008
Our Nation's Capital
Because the Christmas season isn't busy enough we decided to go to D.C. just days before Christmas. Here are a few of the TONS of things we did...
...Iwo Jima Memorial...

Monday, December 15, 2008
New York, New York
After foolishly flying across the country by myself, I decided it was a good idea to join Dana, Ashlee and Peyton and go to New York. After all New York with two babies is always a good idea!
Bennett and Peyton had lots of playtime including Bennett's first bath with someone else. I think he found it much more interesting than being in there by himself!
The boys loved FAO Schwartz, but I am sure not as much as the adults did.
Here is the New York temple. This is the only angle you can take of the temple without including cars and tons of people. It really is quiet in there though!
Bennett may have actually enjoyed Central Park. He was awake and in his straight jacket and not screaming...miracle!
Even though it was the dead of winter the park really was pretty. I would love to see the fall colors there.
Being that it was Christmas time, Rockefeller Center was a must!
We went to Times Square both days, but I will get to the reason for that.
It was nice to see the Statue of Liberty, even from a distance.
This is the World Trade Center in its current state. The train we had to take to get into New York went right through there. Both times taking the train through there the train would slow down and it was noticeable that everyone was a little quieter. You don't realize how massive those buildings were until you see the sizable hole they left. There are massive buildings on every side and the construction area is pretty deep.
On a lighter note--this is the reason for going to Times Square two days in a row. Charmin restrooms is the place to be!
The nice man in the toilet costume greeted us outside and persuaded us to come on in to use the restroom. They had 20 restrooms, which were cleaned after every use. There were several large enough to fit a stroller and equipped with changing tables. They even brought you a diaper for the babies. In New York a clean restroom with changing table is impossible to find!
The whole time they have music pumping with the lyrics "Charmin, where the going is always good." (yes, it gets stuck in your head) They had people dancing on the dance floor, but the babes preferred playing with the pom poms. They had a playhouse, a campfire and a sleigh to take pictures on. It was the strangest and most memorable place I have ever been!
All in all it was a great trip. Bennett had so much fun with Peyton, but after two days on going non-stop the poor babes were tired! Here's to New York again soon--hopefully.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Inevitable Truths of Traveling with a Babe
- Never even dare to think that things will go as planned.
- Count on having to make at least one cross airport journey with less than an hour layover.
- Expect that a poopy diaper will only happen when you have limited time and are running across the airport.
- Always try to get an empty seat next to you, even if it means sitting by the bathroom.
- You are never allowed to go the bathroom.
- Don't expect flight attendants to help you in any way as you juggle the babe and two carry-on's down the narrow aisle as the little Asian man tries to go the wrong way back to his seat.
- Crying will happen.
- Stop crying quickly--resort to bribery.
- Forget about sleeping; it's not going to happen.
- Talk to or smile sympathetically to every other mother travelling alone.
- Look at mother's travelling with their spouse with total and complete envy.
- Don't be offended when the man sitting in front of you goes to the bathroom and never comes back.
- Upon arrival at destination, for sanity's sake, quickly hand baby off to anyone willing to take him.
- Realize you have learned your lesson and you will never travel alone again.
- Understand you will look back at this and forget the pain of the situation and decide to do it again.
Lately I have had a strange obsession about aprons. I think it stems from years of watching adults wear aprons that were ugly and often times cheesy and now suddenly there are cute sassy aprons. A friend just wrote on her blog about a new website, Mymby, which happens to have aprons, much to my delight. Seeing this reminding me of my desire to go put one on, only to discover that all the aprons I have, well, aren't cute. I LOVE the one at the very bottom of the page. Maybe Santa will bring a cute aprons for Christmas.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
(Sorry, the internet isn't working on the computer with all the pictures, so a picture-less post this must be.)
fun visitors. art projects. abi's baptism. finishing gratitude book. thanksgiving...twice. pondering christmas presents for people. new windows. buying the perfect skirt. finding out the perfect skirt isn't so perfect. returning perfect skirt. too many trips to the grocery store. chasing a rolling, creeping boy all around. seminary. juli's baby shower. school. visit from the anti-tooth fairy (who brings much screaming and fussing for everyone). doctor's appointments. church activities. family dinners. work. crocheting project still unfinished. cleaning. packing. yard work. finding where our christmas music went to. discovery of where the evil tooth is coming in. cutting hair. making beds over and over. laundry. dismantling the back door so that is stops locking me out. sleep, or the lack thereof.
fun visitors. art projects. abi's baptism. finishing gratitude book. thanksgiving...twice. pondering christmas presents for people. new windows. buying the perfect skirt. finding out the perfect skirt isn't so perfect. returning perfect skirt. too many trips to the grocery store. chasing a rolling, creeping boy all around. seminary. juli's baby shower. school. visit from the anti-tooth fairy (who brings much screaming and fussing for everyone). doctor's appointments. church activities. family dinners. work. crocheting project still unfinished. cleaning. packing. yard work. finding where our christmas music went to. discovery of where the evil tooth is coming in. cutting hair. making beds over and over. laundry. dismantling the back door so that is stops locking me out. sleep, or the lack thereof.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Sport of Blogogling...

My wife is a Blogogler (Blog-AH-ga-ler); or in other words, she oogles at people's blogs, even though she does not know them.
I didn't know that she had the habit. But every so often, she would say something like, "I was reading about this one woman who..." and then would proceed to tell me some zany story. At first, I thought she read the story out of the New York Times or the fluffy People Magazine. No. It was some random person's blog. The source of most of her outrageous stories these days.
Although I understand safety concerns, I think it's great that people look at random blogs. I think it's healthy and a fun way for strangers to connect. Enjoy the fruits of life together.
With the age of cellphones and texting, strangers rarely have conversations anymore. I seem to be too busy catching up on what a friend has done for the last 2 hours than to converse with someone who is right in front of me.
So, confession time, are you a blogogler?
Even if you are not, I think it is fun to say outloud...
I didn't know that she had the habit. But every so often, she would say something like, "I was reading about this one woman who..." and then would proceed to tell me some zany story. At first, I thought she read the story out of the New York Times or the fluffy People Magazine. No. It was some random person's blog. The source of most of her outrageous stories these days.
Although I understand safety concerns, I think it's great that people look at random blogs. I think it's healthy and a fun way for strangers to connect. Enjoy the fruits of life together.
With the age of cellphones and texting, strangers rarely have conversations anymore. I seem to be too busy catching up on what a friend has done for the last 2 hours than to converse with someone who is right in front of me.
So, confession time, are you a blogogler?
Even if you are not, I think it is fun to say outloud...
*Picture courtesy of www.sfionline.org
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election Day in Paradise
Election time here has been an interesting thing to me. Before living here I can't remember seeing sign wavers for elections. Here they come out in masses and every busy intersection becomes littered with waiving for their candidate. One friend told me she was so caught in looking at the wavers she ran a light. I can totally understand this, since as you approach these intersections you have the awkward decision of to wave, or not to wave. I admit I feel a certain pressure that I should wave back, even if I don't support the candidate they are rallying for. And then, while you are stopped at the light, there is the awkwardness of having people standing around outside your car as they continue to wave. Despite all the awkwardness I look forward to sign wavers. I think it is so fun to see them out there each day.
On election day I finally saw one lone waver for Obama. Can you see her there with her little sign? (McCain is widely unpopular here and I doubt there was anyone waving for him).

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Truth Is Out...

By all accounts Bennett appears to be a normal happy, healthy baby boy. He smiles a lot. He laughs a lot. He likes food and loves to play with anything his little hands can get on. He prefers standing or sitting over laying down. You can tell already that he would be rather be on the move, if his body were ready to go.He will tolerate lying down on his play mat if he has his ball. He will hit and kick the ball repeatedly just to see what happens. He will lie on the mat and rock back and forth, as any normal active baby boy would do. But he has a dark secret; one he has been keeping for quite a while now. One that his mother is slightly embarrassed about (and for some odd reason his father has no problem with). While he is a kicking healthy boy during the day, he is a blanket cuddling babe at night.
Do not attempt to adjust the coloring of your computer screen--it is just fine. His favorite blanket is pink! I have tried giving him other blankets, but they don't work like this one does. It is magic. Just lie him in his bed and throw this blanket over him and immediately his eyes roll back in his head and he gathers it to his face. Why would you fight something that works so well? Now it is out--we can be honest again. Bennett's favorite blanket is pink and, until we can find the blue version of it, we are just fine with that.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
On My Mind
I have had several different thoughts lately for blog posts and rather than write several posts here are some snippets:
- I have been following the Nie Nie Dialogues for almost two months now. I wish that I had run into this blog sooner because she has been so inspiring. I have been also reading her sister's blog, C Jane Enjoy It, for updates and hope Nie Nie recovers well. I don't think I have ever been so concerned for someone I didn't know.
- I have made a pact with myself that when I am not grossly pregnant or toting around a baby carrier, I will park far away from the door of any place that I am going. I have had several times since being pregnant, and then after having Bennett, that I have been waiting for a spot closer to the door with blinker on, only to have a car with a younger male pull into the spot before I could. Now, should this male have some sort of walking impediment I would feel much better about them stealing my spot, but seeing as so far none of them has had a problem walking, PARK FARTHER AWAY!!!
- I recently discovered the calming powers of a nice scalding bath after a long day. I guess I am a little slow on this one.
- I have decided to change my blog to allow anonymous comments. I know of a few people that aren't members of blogger and therefore can't leave comments--please leave your name though so I know who this is. (Speaking of commenting--I am sure there is a reason but why do we have the letter verification to leave a post and why must it be IMPOSSIBLE to read sometimes.)
- Google Reader is my friend. I love it! I love that it tells me all the newest blog posts. I love that I don't have to check all the blogs I enjoy--Google Reader brings all my reading enjoyment right to my computer screen with only one click! Those Google people are genius! (I am sure it is Kevin's enemy since I am often found reading blogs now that I have found this good friend.)
- Another impending Thanksgiving means another scrapbook has begun. I pulled out the supplies and started our yearly Gratitude Book--the only scrapbook I allow myself to make (it can consume your life, so for this reason I have decided to limit myself). Already I see this is the beginning of the craft table sitting in the middle of our room for the next month and a half, while I feverishly try to get this finished before Thanksgiving. Traditions, once you start them they are hard to break.
Speaking of scrapbooks, the tables ominous presence in the middle of the room is calling to me...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
All In A Days Work
Last Saturday this is what our day included.
We spent all morning at the Primary activity. Don't we have cute kids?
While at the activity Bennett and one of his many girlfriends, Abigail, got doted on by their loyal and adoring fans. Their fan club has grown to such a frenzy we are going to have to start charging people to be part of it. Of course, with this small fee, you will get a signed letter and buttons with such slogans as "Vote B&A" and "B&A Forever."
After the activity we headed to Makapu beach. Both Bennett and Kai (shown below) got pounded by a wave. They both did well though--there was no crying.
Afterward they both crashed in the car on the way home. I guess we might have finally wore them out!

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