By all accounts Bennett appears to be a normal happy, healthy baby boy. He smiles a lot. He laughs a lot. He likes food and loves to play with anything his little hands can get on. He prefers standing or sitting over laying down. You can tell already that he would be rather be on the move, if his body were ready to go.He will tolerate lying down on his play mat if he has his ball. He will hit and kick the ball repeatedly just to see what happens. He will lie on the mat and rock back and forth, as any normal active baby boy would do. But he has a dark secret; one he has been keeping for quite a while now. One that his mother is slightly embarrassed about (and for some odd reason his father has no problem with). While he is a kicking healthy boy during the day, he is a blanket cuddling babe at night.
Do not attempt to adjust the coloring of your computer screen--it is just fine. His favorite blanket is pink! I have tried giving him other blankets, but they don't work like this one does. It is magic. Just lie him in his bed and throw this blanket over him and immediately his eyes roll back in his head and he gathers it to his face. Why would you fight something that works so well? Now it is out--we can be honest again. Bennett's favorite blanket is pink and, until we can find the blue version of it, we are just fine with that.
All I have to day is, "Real Men wear Pink"
say not day, sorry!
This is a great post Melanie! As long as it works!
Gabe loved pink when he was younger and now he wont event eat, if his fork is pink. So no worries, he grows out of it.
Pepto-Bismol pink was used to calm prisoners but then again that is not the shade of his blanket and he is not a prisoner. But through the bars of the crib......
oh, he is so cute!! Thank goodness I have one of my own!!
Melanie, I think that its adorable that he sleeps with a pink blanket. He is just precious no matter what!
Mel, Dar likes pink too, it was his favorite color for a while. And he has his silky. Which he sucks on to go to sleep! Yup, sounds gross, and it is. He can stuff up to 6 inches of material into his mouth at one time. He won't fall asleep unless it's in his mouth. Then he will run the edge under his nose, and over his ear. It's weird, but it is uniquely him!
love it-- sensitive and manly-- the best combination
Eh. Who cares what color it is. It does the job. And some day, when his wife decides to decorate their room all feminine-like, it won't bother him at all and that will be one less source of marital contention. Go Bennett!
I love those pictures!!! Which reminds me - send me the pics you took of those two at the temple, will ya? Love it!
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