After foolishly flying across the country by myself, I decided it was a good idea to join Dana, Ashlee and Peyton and go to New York. After all New York with two babies is always a good idea!
Bennett and Peyton had lots of playtime including Bennett's first bath with someone else. I think he found it much more interesting than being in there by himself!
The boys loved FAO Schwartz, but I am sure not as much as the adults did.
Here is the New York temple. This is the only angle you can take of the temple without including cars and tons of people. It really is quiet in there though!
Bennett may have actually enjoyed Central Park. He was awake and in his straight jacket and not screaming...miracle!
Even though it was the dead of winter the park really was pretty. I would love to see the fall colors there.
Being that it was Christmas time, Rockefeller Center was a must!
We went to Times Square both days, but I will get to the reason for that.
It was nice to see the Statue of Liberty, even from a distance.
This is the World Trade Center in its current state. The train we had to take to get into New York went right through there. Both times taking the train through there the train would slow down and it was noticeable that everyone was a little quieter. You don't realize how massive those buildings were until you see the sizable hole they left. There are massive buildings on every side and the construction area is pretty deep.
On a lighter note--this is the reason for going to Times Square two days in a row. Charmin restrooms is the place to be!
The nice man in the toilet costume greeted us outside and persuaded us to come on in to use the restroom. They had 20 restrooms, which were cleaned after every use. There were several large enough to fit a stroller and equipped with changing tables. They even brought you a diaper for the babies. In New York a clean restroom with changing table is impossible to find!
The whole time they have music pumping with the lyrics "Charmin, where the going is always good." (yes, it gets stuck in your head) They had people dancing on the dance floor, but the babes preferred playing with the pom poms. They had a playhouse, a campfire and a sleigh to take pictures on. It was the strangest and most memorable place I have ever been!
All in all it was a great trip. Bennett had so much fun with Peyton, but after two days on going non-stop the poor babes were tired! Here's to New York again soon--hopefully.

So cute! It is fun to see both those boys together. They look like best friends! :)
Yea for NYC, it should be a annual trip! And yea for the cutest babies ever made. What a proud Grandma I was! No they were not twins. :) You forgot to mention the man on the subway asking to hold Bennett! Strange guy!
Oh, New York City. How I love thee.
And that bathroom sounds magical!
ooo--I wish that Charmin place was there year round! My friend Natalie was in NYC too, did you see her? ;)
So, why did you go again? Am I missing something?
The babies look adorable!
New York was soooo much fun!!! I'm so glad that you and Bennett came!!! I was watching a Christmas movie today and they showed Rockafellar center and the ice skating ring...I was like YEAH!!!! I've been there!!! Thanks for the fun time! Next time Hawaii!!!!
Sigh. I'm so jealous. So is Moo.
And who'd have thought that the highlight of New York City would be a bathroom? You learn something new every day.
We miss you!
fun, fun, and more fun! I am jealous!!!! What were you there for and who did you go with! I want more deatils about this awesome trip!
Bennett is getting so big!! Um, I had to shield Eliza's eyes when I saw Bennett learned how to kiss. She would be heart broken if she saw that picture. :) Hope you are having fun!
Love ya!
I love the picture of Bennett looking up-- that orange hat is fabulous!
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