So. I just took my last test for law school. I think they are going to let me graduate.
Although it is quite cool to be done with school, the rest of summer will be studying for the bar. About 10-12 hours a day. No fun there.
After the Bar, WE ARE GOING ON VACATION!!!!!!!!!
We are flying to Seattle and we rented a car for 3 weeks in August.
We are thinking Canada, Idaho, Washington, or maybe Oregon. A little camping, some driving, and whatever else happens to us.
Do you have any ideas of things to do, places to see, eat, or stay?
Please send any and all ideas to us.
Email: kevinandmelanie@gmail.com
picture: www.firstpeople.us
We are so proud of you! AND you both deserve that wonderful vacation. If Canada is in your sights, Alberta has some wonderful places. Waterton Lakes, Banff and Lake Louise are all spectacular! I have not been, but I have been told that Victoria BC is magical in the summer time. Plus, the dollar is going to be in your favor--which never hurts!
Great. I guess you graduating makes it a sure thing. I must concede. You are definitely the favorite child. I am so proud of you Kev. And by the way....I didn't see Utah in the list of places to visit. I will pretend it is assumed. Although, you may need to add yet another state to your list soon. I agree with Aunti Di. Waterton and Banff are must-see's.
If you're up near Seattle, check out Pike's Place Market. It's the famous place where they throw the fish. if you're into hiking there are some great places up around Bellevue that Dana and I did last year. Just remember an umbrella:)
Hey Kevin, nice to hear from you! Sounds like your vacation will be well deserved.
If you make it to the oregon coast, check our Mo's seafood for the best clam chowder in the WHOLE WORLD. it's true.
Actually there's a place that is so much better than Moe's now. The clam chowder is so creamy. Let me know if you get down this way and I'll look up the name of the restaurant for you. Congrats Kevin!
San Juan Islands is a must lots of sight seeing and camping and lots of fun!, Pikes in Seattle, no umbrella needed in August this is our good month, one of the two or three :). I'll ask Don and we will let you know. There is all sorts of stuff to do up here. Oregon has fun beaches for "us" but not for you, it just would not be the same. To bad we don't still have a extra car or you could have used one of ours. But let us know what you need from us. We have plenty of beds while you are here! Congrats to Kevin for a great job in school and Congrats on Mel for taking care of everything at home so he could. It takes a huge effort on all parts!
Victoria is a must!
wow that sounds fun! Um, if people tell you any good ideas for seattle can you let me know? You guys can visit nick if you're feeling bored, he'll be there by himself the first two weeks of august.
Congratulations Kevin! What an amazing accomplishment. Can't wait to hear all about your trip.
I'm jealous you get to see my mom and my mom gets to see you....wish I could sneek home while you are there....you could always deteor down to san francisco...lots of fun stuff to do down here. :P Congrats Kevin! We're very excited for you guys!
That is pretty much WILD that you are done Mel. Wow. Really. I can't believe it. You definitely deserve an AWESOME vacation.
P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an extra little comment here too... I get lots of points for extra blog comments... I am trying to win this awesome scrapbook desk at The EZ desk Giveaway vote for it if you have a minute!! :)
OREGON..I am leaving tomorrow: 2 must see well three:
Cannon Beach
Mutnomah Falls
Seattle (going there in 3 days)
Well Olympic peninsula
Mt Rainier
Canada (com'on it's right across)
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