At ten months: in to everything! loves plugs and toilets. opens drawers and cupboards (and promptly empties them). standing whenever possible. 5.5 teeth. quite an easy laugh. likes to chase you and to be chased. sits at the door every afternoon to watch the school kids walk to the bus. obsessed with cars and trucks. can pick out his stuffed monkey, dog and bear. pretends to be shy, but we all know the truth. sleeps like a pro! pretty much a table food guy. crawls correctly now (which is sad for us, but wonderful for his clothes). has ventured to take a step here and there on his own but has no clue that he even did it. loves dogs. claps and waives. huge fan of the beach or any water he can get himself into. has figured his way around any barricades we have made to keep him out of things. makes our days that much brighter.
Melanie--that hat!!! So freaking cute! Where did you get it?
It totally looks like something Gap would do...
Isn't ten months fun? Axel's almost as busy.. I always forget how exhausting they are when they are getting into everything!
Melanie he is so STINKN' cute! I LOVE love love the hat. Allen hates those hats and tells me I can't put our baby in them....but I am still going too! HAHAH! They are just so cute. I can't believe how big Bennett has gotten. He sure is turning from a baby into a little boy. SO CUTE!
He is a doll! And Peyton I am sure misses his Buddy. Those two boys are such dolls!
He looks like he is off to play chess in the park with his buddies. SO cute!!!
i love his outfit!!! he's so handsome!
Hats off to moms and dad with 10 month old busy boys! He is darling Melanie...Thanks for the update!
So cute!! I love that outfit!! Abigail is just giggling with excitement! I vote he wears that whole outfit to church this week...with the hat!!
Yup, he's a cute little devil. And, uh, nice hat ;).
okay he is too cute. He is the perfect mix of you and kevin. I miss you too!
one word - PIMP!
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