All Grown Up
Kevin received an offer from a firm (under "Careers" check out "Our View") here in town a couple weeks ago, and after much thought, accepted t
he offer. Even though he won't be starting till late next summer (after he finishes taking the bar) we're excited about it!
That is so exciting! There's nothing better than having that security of work after school. Congratulations!
so for the occasion he went shopping for a new purse? :) Congrats! it looks like a great company from their website.
I was so excited to hear the news. Congrats to a man who ooks great in/with red.
LOOKS great in red rather.
Congrats Kevin, but not surprised! Isn't the nice to have the forseeable future secure and planned? Love the purse too...does the firm know about the purse?!
Yay! Congrats! I think that he is going to revolutionize the law world with his murse (man purse).
Congratulations Kevin! Awesome news.
Congrats! And that purse is fantastic.
Hooray! Kevin, Kevin, he's our man (sort of)! If he can't do it.....maybe he could try his hand at modeling accessories in women's clothing catalogues.
the purse matches your eyes!!!! Congrats.
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