Sunday, August 3, 2008

Church Chuckles

So, Kevin and I read this post tonight on the 100 Hour Board and got to talking about our funniest experiences not only in Sacrament Meeting, but at church in general. So, we are curious and we really like to laugh, so please, share with us your funniest church moments. So far we haven't come up with anything as funny as some of the responses to the post, but if we do we will definately share.


ali said...

our funniest moments center around our kids...

When Gabe first learned to talk, during the closing prayer after it became a very long prayer, Gabe yelled "amEN!!!" very impatiently... it was hilarious!

Mostly what we experience is our kids yelling inappropriate things.

Elder Richards said...

Ah, way to many to post! But there are many. In fact many are not even appropriate to post, that's how funny they are. I think another one is funny things written in the bulletin.

Pauline said...

Just happened yesterday! Girl gets up to talk in F&T meeting about girl's camp and tried to compare it to how happy we are when we all work together like in the song "As Sister's in Zion". She then proceded to sing it in her testimony. By the way there's a web site called mommy wars that has a whole string on funny things that happen at church. You can't help but laugh your head off when you're reading it.

Elder Richards said...

Ok this stands in my mind.... One older Brother in our ward never missed a F&T opportunity. My boys would look at me to see my reaction everytime he sttod up. I tried my hardest to never respond. He would blubber all over the place. "Bless his heart"....One time he was out of control and "Stuff" was coming out of his nose, not dripping, trailing, it was very colorful. My boys very loudly said "EWWWWWWWWW' many heard him.

Amalie said...

I remember once I sang in ward choir and kanoa waved at me when I was up there then when I sat back down he said very loudly "good job mom!".
Also, I have a down syndrome brother and once (ok probably more than once) after getting the water during sacrament meeting he would burp reallly loudly. haha!

Juli said...

All I know is that church is way funnier than kids. I can't even count all the times I've had to hold back from busting out laughing in sacrament meeting because of something my kids did or said--and the best part is that usually the people around me are shaking with laughter, too.

Lately I've been thoroughly enjoying Braden's attempts to sing the hymns, now that he can read most of the words. He's not exactly musically gifted, though (were you here for the Primary Program when he was "singing" Follow the Prophet at the top of his lungs at his own chosen pace?), and he generally shouts the phrases he recognizes, and almost always starts each verse a beat or two ahead of everyone else. I love it!

Jaclyn said...

Oh man--I love random Sacrament moments...the girl that fainted during a musical number and hit her head on the railing...the national anthem (high councilman's ring) going off and my dad standing up and saying "play ball"...Brent Collette when he was Bishop ending church after a very spiritual Sacrament meeting saying we had been richly blessed--go home and enjoy your families (best Sunday ever btw!--I love short church). Anywho-- great idea on the 100 hour board. I definitely miss being at BYU for things like that--

Kelli and Dana said...

For me, our home ward had a sweet organist who loved to sing the falsetto and on one of the christmas songs you could always hear her. It was great to see the new people looking aroundt trying to figure out what that was and then see the rest of us try to hold it together. Classic.